Ukrainian Special Operation Forces have reportedly succeeded in eliminating Russian troops and capturing prisoners in the south of Ukraine, according to a report shared on Telegram. This follows the launch of a new phase in Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which is primarily focusing on the southern region.
Key Points:
- Ukrainian Special Operation Forces have eliminated Russian troops in the south of Ukraine, capturing prisoners who were promised amnesty for killing Ukrainians.
- The success of this operation was attributed to carefully gathered intelligence on the enemy’s location.
- Ukraine has embarked on a new phase of its counteroffensive, mainly focusing on the south, according to Pentagon officials.
- The National Guard of Ukraine has reported successful advancements towards the Russian-occupied city of Melitopol.
- As of July 24, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have liberated nearly 230 square kilometers of territory from Russian occupation, which includes over 192 square kilometers in the southern part of the country and around 35 square kilometers in the east.