On Sunday, Ukraine released footage showing what it claimed was the destruction of a second key bridge in Russia’s Kursk region. This marks the latest development in Ukraine’s cross-border offensive, which began on August 6, and is aimed at weakening Russian military logistics. Ukrainian forces have reportedly seized over 80 settlements and more than 1,150 square kilometers (444 square miles) of territory in the region.
The strikes appear focused on disrupting Russian supply routes, particularly across the Seim River. The destruction of the first bridge, near Glushkovo, has already drawn acknowledgement from pro-Kremlin military bloggers, who noted the impact on Russian resupply efforts. A second bridge in the village of Zvannoe was reportedly hit as well, though exact details remain unclear. Russian authorities have attributed the strikes to Western-made weapons, specifically suggesting the use of U.S.-supplied rockets.
The AFU has released video footage of a strike on a bridge over the Seym River in the Kursk region.
After four direct hits by the ATACMS ballistic missiles proved insufficient, the Ukrainians used a guided aviation bomb. pic.twitter.com/xsfS68rnOi
— Venik (@venik44) August 17, 2024
Ukraine’s Air Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk, shared footage of the strikes, emphasizing their precision and impact on Russian logistics. The attacks are seen as part of a broader Ukrainian strategy to hinder Russian counter offensives and possibly establish a foothold in the Kursk region. However, independent verification of the strikes and their full impact remains pending.
These developments come amid heightened tensions and escalating stakes in the ongoing conflict. Analysts suggest that Ukraine’s push into Kursk could signal a shift in strategy, potentially seeking to hold captured territory within Russia. However, such a move carries significant risks due to extended supply lines vulnerable to Russian counterattacks.
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