A group of 1,283 Navy retirees who were overpaid due to a Navy error faced further confusion when their pay statements indicated that repayments would begin on July 1, despite the announced three-month pause in recouping the overpayments. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) clarified that the statements were generated before the agreement to pause debt collection and that no collections have been made.
Key points:
- Navy retirees who were overpaid were initially informed of repayments ranging from $35 to over $70,000, amounting to approximately $7 million in overpayments.
- The errors in calculating time in service primarily affected individuals with a combination of active duty and reserve time due to issues with the Navy’s Standard Integrated Personnel System.
- DFAS agreed to a three-month delay in debt collection, allowing retirees time to appeal the debt or submit a waiver before deductions began.
- The latest confusion arose from DFAS’s delay in updating pay statements, causing retirees to mistakenly believe that repayments would start in July.
- Retirees expressed frustration with the situation, citing additional stress caused by interest charges on the obsolete pay statements and dissatisfaction with how DFAS and the Navy have handled the issue.