Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechnya region released a video on Saturday showcasing himself driving a Tesla Cybertruck fitted with a machine gun turret. The video, posted on Kadyrov’s Telegram channel, features the Chechen strongman behind the wheel of the vehicle, which he praised as “one of the best cars in the world,” while promising to send it to the battlefield in Ukraine.
In the clip, Kadyrov is seen driving the stainless steel-clad Cybertruck around the grounds of his presidential palace. He later steps out draped in ammunition belts, to stand behind the gun turret mounted on the truck. Kadyrov claimed the vehicle, which he dubbed a “cyberbeast,” would be of great benefit to Russian forces in Ukraine.
Kadyrov said he received a Tesla Cybertrack from Elon Musk. He promised to send it to the “special military operation” zone and attached a machine gun to it.
“Elon, thank you! Come to Grozny, I will receive you as the most dear guest! I do not think that our Russian MFA will be… pic.twitter.com/m72fg2G2PU
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 17, 2024
Kadyrov also used the opportunity to extend an invitation to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, thanking him and inviting the billionaire to visit Chechnya. “Elon, thank you! Come to Grozny, I will receive you as my most dear guest,” Kadyrov said. He also expressed his anticipation for future Tesla products that could aid Russian troops in what the Kremlin refers to as a “special military operation” in Ukraine.
There has been no immediate response from Tesla or Musk regarding Kadyrov’s claims or invitation. Kadyrov, who has been sanctioned by the United States for alleged human rights abuses, stated that the truck was provided by Musk, though this has not been verified.
This latest stunt by Kadyrov, known for his flamboyant and controversial displays.
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