US Army veteran Jericho Skye Magallon was recently killed in Ukraine after fighting against the invading Russians for 10 months. Having grown up passionate about the military, Magallon had served as a Military Police Officer and later with the Nevada Army National Guard. He left the military but felt compelled to help the Ukrainians after the Russian invasion. He was likely killed by a Russian drone strike, and his body may never return home.
Key Points:
- Jericho Skye Magallon joined the Army at 17 with his father’s consent and later served with the Nevada Army National Guard.
- After leaving the Army, Magallon went to Ukraine to fight against the invading Russians, having been motivated by the atrocities he saw.
- Magallon was likely killed by a Russian drone strike near Bakhmut, a hotspot for intense fighting.
- At least 18 American veterans have died in Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022.
- Magallon’s family described him as a brave and principled man who believed strongly in freedom and helping others.