A War Thunder player has once again leaked sensitive U.S. military information by sharing images from the F-117 Nighthawk’s flight manual on a forum. This marks the 12th such incident in the game’s community. War Thunder, developed by Gaijin Entertainment, is a game that simulates military technologies. Gaijin Entertainment’s PR head confirmed the incident, noting that the post was promptly removed, and the user banned.
Key Points:
- Repeated Offenses: This is the 12th time classified or sensitive military information has been shared within the War Thunder gaming community.
- Detailed Leak: The leaked data about the F-117 Nighthawk included its sensor locations, engine specifications, and firing angles.
- Immediate Response: Upon discovery, Gaijin Entertainment’s moderators deleted the files, removed the post, and banned the user responsible for the leak.
- Historical Context: In past incidents, players have released classified data on the British Challenger-2 tank, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-15 Eagles, and even French and Chinese tank munitions on the game’s forums.
- Wider Problem: The issue of gamers sharing classified data isn’t unique to War Thunder; similar breaches have occurred on platforms like Discord, leading to arrests.
Source: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/war-thunder-f-117-leak/