The Ukrainian Special Operations Command (UKRSOCOM) has emerged as a significant contributor to Ukraine’s defense against ongoing Russian aggression due to an experimental approach by the U.S. Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR). This approach was intended to establish a framework for developing and sustaining special operations forces’ institutional capabilities at the national level, something previously overlooked. The article discusses the methodology, importance, and application of the Special Operations Forces Institution-Building (SOFIB) advisory approach. Furthermore, it highlights the lessons learned, emphasizing the significance of strategic-level Special Operations Forces structures.
Key Points:Â
- The experimental SOFIB advisory approach by the U.S. SOCEUR has significantly contributed to the development of the Ukrainian Special Operations Command (UKRSOCOM) and its ability to defend against Russian aggression.
- The SOFIB approach marks a shift from a heavy tactical focus to national- and institutional-level defense assistance, which can be applied to European allies and partners.
- SOFIB differs from generic Security Cooperation (SC) and Security Force Assistance (SFA) activities as it focuses on Special Operations Forces (SOF) and advises at the national and institutional levels, better-preparing forces for both internal and external threats.
- Traditional Security Force Assistance (SFA) methods have often focused too much on tactical-level development, overlooking the importance of higher-level organization and strategy.
- The article showcases the application of SOFIB in the cases of Belgium and Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of a strategic-level advisory effort to achieve security force effectiveness.