A drug cartel in Mexico orchestrated a series of seven roadway bombs that killed four police officers and two civilians, according to local officials. The explosions, which took place in the township of Tlajomulco, Jalisco state, were designed as a “trap” for law enforcement, marking a military-style challenge by the country’s drug cartels. The attack resulted in 14 injuries, including three children, and an eighth unexploded bomb was discovered and defused. This event represents an escalation of violence, as it’s the first recorded use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by a Mexican cartel against law enforcement personnel.
Key Points:
- The bombings were a coordinated attack by a drug cartel to kill law enforcement officials. They occurred in Tlajomulco, Jalisco state, and left craters in the road, destroyed vehicles, and resulted in many casualties.
- This attack is significant because it is the first recorded instance of a Mexican drug cartel using IEDs against law enforcement personnel, marking an increase in the military-style tactics used by the cartels.
- Among the victims of the bombings were two civilians passing by at the time of the detonation and 12 wounded civilians, including three children.
- A volunteer search group about a nearby clandestine burial site was tipped off, potentially drawing law enforcement into the trap. This has temporarily suspended police escorts for volunteer search groups for safety reasons.
- The Jalisco drug cartel, known for its violent tactics and significant presence in the drug trade, is the suspected perpetrator of the bombings. This group has previously used IEDs and is known for smuggling deadly drugs into the U.S.
Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bombs-trap-drug-cartel-kill-police-officers-civilians-jalisco-mexico/