The Pentagon is on track to release a national defense industrial strategy in December, amid growing concerns about the defense industry’s capacity. Recent events, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have highlighted the challenges of sustained conflict and the competition with China underscores the need for advanced weaponry. The strategy aims to optimize the use of the Pentagon’s current buying capabilities and bolster its relationship with the industrial base. It will focus on areas like workforce readiness, resilient supply chains, and fair market practices.
Key Points:
- The Pentagon’s defense industrial strategy is set for a December release, addressing current concerns about the defense industry’s capacity.
- The ongoing war in Ukraine has exposed deficiencies in the defense industrial base, especially regarding basic munitions supplies.
- The strategy will emphasize a resilient workforce, secure supply chains, and fair market dynamics and will consist of three phases.
- Under Secretary Bill LaPlante identifies three primary reasons for the present state of the industrial base: inadequate planning for prolonged conflicts, reliance on just-in-time manufacturing, and budgetary constraints affecting munition supply.
- The Pentagon is also looking to innovate and keep pace with competitors, as evidenced by plans to deploy thousands of drones to counter China’s industrial strengths.