The Danish Special Forces, consisting of the Jaeger Corps, Danish Frogmen, and Sirius Dog Sled Patrol, are highly skilled and specialized soldiers trained for unconventional warfare and non-standard reconnaissance missions. They operate under the Danish Special Operations Command (SOC), and their selection and training processes are rigorous due to the interdisciplinary nature of their tasks.
Key points:
- The Danish Special Forces include the Jaeger Corps, Danish Frogmen, and Sirius Dog Sled Patrol, all under the command of the Danish Special Operations Command (SOC).
- The Jaeger Corps specializes in land operations, unconventional warfare, reconnaissance, and counterterrorism.
- The Danish Frogmen focus on special maritime operations and are trained in advanced scuba diving.
- The Sirius Dog Sled Patrol specializes in Arctic patrol and conducts long-range reconnaissance missions in Greenland using dog sleds.
- The selection and training processes for Danish Special Forces are rigorous, with a low number of applicants successfully completing the entire course.
- The Danish Special Forces have been involved in notable operations, including anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, as well as deployments in Afghanistan as part of Task Force K-Bar.