A recent survey by Pew Research Center found that only 39% of US workers view their job or career as extremely or very important to their overall identity. Those with postgraduate degrees and higher incomes are more likely to see their job as central to who they are. The importance of work to identity doesn’t vary significantly by gender, race, ethnicity, or age, but it does vary by industry, with workers in healthcare, education, government, and technology more likely to find their job or career important to their identity. Lower-income workers tend to see their job as a means of making a living, while upper-income workers are more likely to be extremely or very satisfied with their job and employer benefits. However, upper-income workers and those with postgraduate degrees are also more likely to respond to messages outside of work hours.
Plain-Clothed Israeli Special Forces Kill Four Terror Suspects in Mid Day Operation
Israeli Special Forces Kill Key Militant Leader in Nablus Raid Israeli special forces killed Issam al-Salaj, a senior commander of...