In a high-stakes operation, undercover agents of the Israeli Police, in collaboration with the Shomron Brigade and fighters from the Nachshon Battalion, successfully eliminated a senior wanted terrorist in Nablus. The mission, guided by precise intelligence from the Shin Bet, took place near the Balata refugee camp in broad daylight and resulted in injuries to several other armed terrorists.
The undercover agents targeted an event hall where the wanted individual, identified by Palestinians as Adam Salah Faraj, was located. Upon noticing the agents, Faraj attempted to flee across the building’s roof with a weapon in hand. The agents responded swiftly, fatally shooting him.
Following the initial confrontation, armed terrorists in the vicinity began firing at the undercover agents and throwing explosives. The agents returned fire, resulting in additional casualties among the terrorists. According to Israel’s Border Police, several gunmen and rioters hurling explosives were shot during the operation.
The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that two people were killed and six others were wounded in the raid. After eliminating the primary target, Israeli forces encountered further resistance, leading to an exchange in which several Palestinian gunmen were hit.
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A senior terrorist in the West Bank city of Nablus was eliminated today by Israeli counter terror special forces.— The Watchman (@nspiass) June 3, 2024
A police spokeswoman provided details of the operation: “Israeli security forces, in conjunction with the Shomron Brigade and Nachshon Battalion fighters, acted on precise intelligence from the Shin Bet to thwart terrorism and apprehend a senior wanted individual. The undercovers successfully neutralized the target despite facing significant resistance.”
The spokeswoman emphasized the importance of such operations: “Our forces are committed to ensuring the safety and security of citizens by actively pursuing and neutralizing threats in coordination with other security agencies.”
Violence in the West Bank has escalated, particularly since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, with frequent army raids on militant groups, rampages by Jewish settlers in Palestinian villages, and deadly Palestinian street attacks. Hamas issued a statement condemning the clashes around the Balata camp, asserting that “the occupation’s assassinations will not limit resistance in the West Bank.”
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