A groundbreaking investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call has unveiled “Lavender,” an artificial intelligence program developed by the Israeli army, which plays a significant role in conducting airstrikes in Gaza with minimal human oversight. Lavender is engineered to identify and mark tens of thousands of Gazans, including those associated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, as assassination targets. This AI system, highlighted for its capability to process vast data sets to generate potential military strike targets, has been pivotal in the operational strategy of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), particularly during the initial phases of the ongoing conflict.
According to firsthand accounts from six Israeli intelligence officers, Lavender’s influence is profound, treating its target suggestions with the same regard as human decision-making. In the war’s early weeks, the IDF heavily relied on Lavender, marking as many as 37,000 Palestinians and their residences for possible airstrikes. The reliance on AI for such critical decisions marks a significant shift in military tactics, emphasizing efficiency and speed over traditional verification processes.
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