The concept of ‘habit stacking,’ popularized by S.J. Scott in 2017, provides an effective strategy for building new habits by attaching them to existing ones. By gluing a new behavior onto a routine activity, individuals find it easier to incorporate the habit into their daily lives. The key is identifying which tasks can be easily and cohesively stacked together. Once established, these stacks can significantly improve overall health and well-being.
Key Points:
- Habit stacking is a method where a desired behavior is added to an existing routine, facilitating the consistent execution of the new behavior.
- The concept was first popularized by S.J. Scott in his book, “Habit Stacking: 127 Small Changes to Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness”. It has since received support from numerous psychologists.
- To start habit stacking, one needs to identify the tasks they struggle with and the activities they consistently do. This way, the challenging tasks can be “stacked” onto regular activities.
- The effectiveness of habit stacking relies on the cohesiveness of the tasks chosen. Not all tasks can be paired, and selecting the right combinations is crucial.
- Writing down and actively tracking these planned stacks can help make them habitual, just like their paired activities.