Reports of a Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Belgorod region have surfaced, with varying accounts on the scale and impact of the operation. Pro-military Telegram channels and local officials have provided conflicting information, making it difficult to ascertain the full extent of the alleged border breach.
According to the pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Shot, the incursion began around 8:00 a.m. near the village of Nehoteevka, where approximately 60 Ukrainian soldiers, supported by eight armored vehicles, reportedly attacked Russian border posts. Another channel, Mash, claimed the operation involved 200 Ukrainian troops at Nehoteevka and an additional 300 near the Shebekino checkpoint, where they were allegedly engaged by Russian border guards.
Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of the Belgorod region, confirmed that Ukrainian forces attempted to breach the border. He described the situation as “difficult but under control” and reassured residents that Russian forces were carrying out “planned work” to manage the threat. Gladkov also reported shelling and drone attacks on three border villages, including Petrovka, which is located less than 10 kilometers from Nehoteevka.
Despite these reports, other sources offered different perspectives. The Telegram channel WarGonzo described the event as “regular skirmishes with small groups of Ukrainian forces,” while the channel Veteran’s Notes downplayed the incident as a “little skirmish,” asserting that the situation had been resolved. Additionally, the Romanov Light Telegram channel expressed skepticism, suggesting there were no confirmed attempts to storm the Nehoteevka or Shebekino checkpoints.
The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to provide an official statement on the reported incursion, only confirming that air defense systems had intercepted multiple drones over Belgorod overnight.
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