The differences between Glock’s .45-caliber alternatives, the Glock 21 (G21) and Glock 41 (G41). Beyond their appearance, there are several features and performance distinctions between the two, making the choice dependent on user preferences and intended use.
Key Points:
- The Glock 41 has a longer yet slimmer barrel and slide compared to the Glock 21, resulting in the G41 being lighter overall despite its size.
- The slide on the Glock 41 is slimmer and has an angled front, which affects the overall balance, making it feel nimbler in hand than the Glock 21.
- Glock 41’s longer slide provides a greater sight radius and includes adjustable sights, which benefits accuracy during slow-fire shooting.
- Despite similarities, there are notable differences in felt recoil between the two, with the Glock 41 feeling slightly snappier, possibly due to its lighter weight and rearward balance.
- Both the Glock 21 and Glock 41 proved reliable, performing without any hitches over multiple range visits and 300 rounds fired.