In an escalation of political tensions in Chad, Yaya Dillo, a prominent opposition leader, was killed during a gunfight in the nation’s capital, N’Djamena. The conflict erupted following an alleged attack by Dillo and his armed supporters on the National Agency for State Security (ANSE), leading to significant casualties, including “dozens of people wounded, and deaths,” as announced by Chad’s national prosecutor, Oumar Mahamat Kedelaye. This incident has intensified the instability in Chad, a country already grappling with political unrest following the death of its longtime leader, Idriss Deby, in 2021, and the subsequent rise to power of his son, Mahamat.
🇹🇩 An attempted coup is currently taking place in Chad, Africa.
In the capital of the country, N’Djamena, there is active movement of army units, and shooting can be heard in the center.
The day before, opposition forces attacked government targets, including intelligence…
— Zlatti71 (@djuric_zlatko) February 28, 2024
Yaya Dillo, once an ally of the Deby regime, turned into a vocal critic and leader of the opposition Socialist Party Without Borders (PSF). His death comes amid accusations from the Chadian government against the PSF for instigating violence, a claim the party denies despite reports of further confrontations and the alleged targeting of its headquarters. The situation has been further complicated by the interruption of internet services, adding to the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear among the populace.
The backdrop to these events is a complex web of political and ethnic rivalries, with Dillo’s opposition partly fueled by personal and tribal affiliations, including his reported relationship to the Deby family. His defection to the opposition and subsequent leadership of the PSF marked a significant challenge to the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement (MPS), exacerbating tensions within the country’s political elite.