A well-liked supplement in 2023, ashwagandha is thought to have a number of advantages, including stress relief and greater attention, but its efficacy and safety are still unknown due to a lack of scientific research and regulatory oversight.
Ashwagandha, a popular supplement in 2023, is believed to reduce stress, improve focus, alleviate social anxiety, fight depression, and enhance athletic performance. However, experts state that the scientific evidence supporting these claims is unclear. The ashwagandha plant is complex, with hundreds of active compounds that vary depending on the part of the plant used. The concentration and type of ashwagandha in supplements may differ from traditional medicinal use. Due to loose regulation, it’s challenging to determine the authenticity and quality of ashwagandha products. Limited research suggests a potential link between ashwagandha and stress relief, but more extensive studies are needed. Ashwagandha is generally considered safe, but it may cause side effects like stomach upset. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, and pregnant women should exercise caution or avoid ashwagandha. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before trying ashwagandha and choose supplements from reputable sources.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/05/well/mind/ashwagandha-supplement-benefits.html