Lindsey Ellefson’s article identifies six types of procrastinators and suggests tailored solutions for each type. By understanding the root cause behind one’s procrastination, one can adopt specific strategies to overcome it. Recognizing whether one is a perfectionist, a dreamer, a worrier, a crisis-maker, a defier, or an overdoer is crucial in addressing and resolving unproductive behaviors.
Key Points:
- Six types of procrastinators have been identified: perfectionist, dreamer, worrier, crisis-maker, defier, and overdoer.
- The perfectionist fears their work won’t meet high standards, while the dreamer struggles with the practical aspects of tasks.
- The worrier avoids unfamiliar choices, the crisis-maker thrives on last-minute pressure, the defier rebels against others’ deadlines, and the overdoer takes on too much due to an inability to set boundaries.
- Solutions include setting realistic goals, making objectives concrete, understanding that inaction is a decision, recognizing the inefficiency of cramming, negotiating to regain control, and learning to prioritize tasks.
- Using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix or Kanban can help in organizing and prioritizing tasks, especially for the overdoer.