The Ukrainian Special Operations Forces (SSO) have announced via Telegram that they successfully targeted and destroyed several Russian military assets in the Donetsk region, including a T-72 tank and a 2S6 “Tunguska” anti-aircraft missile gun complex. Additionally, 11 Russian servicemen were reported as eliminated in the operation. These actions were part of a broader operational push involving the use of first-person view (FPV) drones by the SSO’s “Medoyid” tactical group from the 3rd Regiment.
The operation also resulted in the destruction of an armored combat vehicle and a company base. Footage released by the SSO on social media shows the moments of these strikes, highlighted by a series of explosions. However, the Kyiv Post noted that it could not independently verify the exact timing and location of the incidents captured in the video. Verification of the defeat of the Tunguska complex was particularly noted as challenging due to the low resolution of the footage.
Ukrainian SOF in action. During the week were destroyed T-72 tank; anti-aircraft missile and gun system 2S6 “Tunguska”; armored fighting vehicle; 11 occupiers:
— ArmyInform 🇺🇦 (@armyinformcomua) April 23, 2024
The T-72 tank, depending on its model and condition, can vary significantly in cost, ranging from about half a million dollars for older models to between $3 and $4 million for newer configurations. The Tunguska, known for its combination of gun and missile weaponry integrated with advanced radar and optical fire control systems, remains a critical component of Russia’s anti-aircraft defenses, though its cost is not readily available.
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