🇺🇦 Крим буде українським!⁰⁰🔥 Спецпризначенці «Стугни» та «Братства» у складі спецпідрозділу Тимура ГУР МО України десантувались на території Кримського півострова та нанесли вогневе ураження московським окупантам!⁰⁰‼️ Крим буде українським!
🫡 Слава Україні! pic.twitter.com/gGQBnpJgak
— Defence intelligence of Ukraine (@DI_Ukraine) October 4, 2023
A video released by Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Directorate (GUR) depicts a raid on the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula, showcasing Ukrainian special forces on jet skis landing on Crimean shores. The footage ends with the soldiers raising a Ukrainian flag on the beach. In the aftermath, while the Russian Defense Ministry remained silent, a Russian official acknowledged a raid, claiming one saboteur was captured.
Key Points:
- The GUR video, which lasts 73 seconds, shows at least eight jet skis with two men each approaching Crimea’s shoreline. As they near, troops dismount and move the jet skis ashore, culminating with them hoisting the Ukrainian flag.
- GUR claims units “Stugna” and “Brotherhood” executed the raid and caused damage to Russian forces. Their statement exclaimed, “Crimea will be Ukrainian! Glory to Ukraine!”
- Sergei Aksenov, the Russian-installed leader of Crimea, confirmed a raid on Crimea, praising the FSB Border Service for halting the intrusion. He reported capturing one of the saboteurs.
- The Russian news agency RIA Novosti broadcasted a video alleging to be an FSB interrogation of a captured Ukrainian troop from the raid.
- This recent raid mirrors a similar operation claimed by the GUR to have occurred on Aug. 24, where Ukrainian forces reportedly infiltrated Crimea and attacked a Russian base.
Source: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/jet-ski-borne-ukrainian-special-ops-raid-shown-in-new-video