A detailed investigation by WIRED has exposed the operations of Trickbot, one of the most notorious cybercrime syndicates globally. Central to this investigation is the identification of Maksim Sergeevich Galochkin, a pivotal figure within Trickbot, known by his online aliases “Bentley” and “Manuel”. This discovery was a result of a comprehensive analysis of a massive leak of internal data from the ransomware group, which highlighted connections between Russian cybercrime gangs and the Russian government.
Key Points:
- Maksim Sergeevich Galochkin, known within Trickbot by aliases “Bentley” and “Manuel”, has been identified as a core member of the Russian cybercrime group.
- The information came to light following a leak by an entity named “Trickleaks”, who posted vast amounts of internal Trickbot communication and data online, revealing key information about the group’s members and operations.
- This data leak is among the largest-ever from a cybercrime group, overshadowed only by the global attention on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other significant cyber leaks.
- Galochkin, earlier known as Maksim Sergeevich Sipkin, was tied to his Trickbot identity through meticulous cross-referencing of digital footprints, such as email and chat usernames.
- Beyond its cybercrimes, Trickbot has significant geopolitical implications. For instance, ahead of the 2020 US elections, US Cyber Command and Microsoft took actions against Trickbot to protect the electoral process.
Source: https://www.wired.com/story/trickbot-trickleaks-bentley/