The story explores the enigmatic charisma of Stefan George, a German poet who captivated a following of devoted disciples and inspired Max Weber to develop the concept of charisma as a powerful force in times of crisis and a driving factor in history.Â
In the early 20th century, Stefan George, a German poet known as “Master,” gained a following of devoted disciples who believed he possessed a charismatic and mystical power. George preached an alternative reality through his poetry, envisioning a “Secret Germany” and a future where Germany would regain its greatness. His influence attracted intellectuals and artists, including Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin, who were captivated by his persona. Max Weber, a sociologist, observed the “cult” forming around George and developed the concept of charisma to explain the power and influence of such individuals. Weber believed that charisma played a pivotal role in times of crisis and offered a revolutionary force in history. Today, charisma remains a captivating and enigmatic quality, often associated with inspiring figures and a longing for exceptional leaders.Â