The concept of agency and meaningful work in the lives of children and young adults. It highlights the importance of early experiences and opportunities that allow individuals to deviate from the traditional path and develop their skills and abilities. The author argues that modern schooling and the lack of meaningful work for children can hinder their agency and prevent them from making meaningful contributions to society.
Key points:
- Early experiences and opportunities shape individuals’ ability to deviate from traditional paths and develop agencies.
- Modern schooling tends to focus on standardized education and fails to provide meaningful work or opportunities for mastery.
- The internet and user-generated content offer avenues for self-apprenticeship and informal skills transfer beyond the limitations of traditional education.
- Parents play a crucial role in identifying and nurturing their child’s interests and providing them with resources and meaningful pursuits.
- The goal is to foster mastery and responsibility in children, allowing them to make meaningful contributions and develop confidence in their abilities.
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