The social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, is grappling with a surge in posts containing graphic content, hate speech, and misinformation regarding the Israel-Hamas war. The platform’s ability to moderate this influx has been criticized, particularly following workforce reductions after its acquisition by Elon Musk. European Commissioner Thierry Breton has reached out to Musk about potential violations of EU laws, and the platform’s credibility has been questioned due to changes under Musk’s leadership.
Key Points:
- Social media platform X has witnessed a spike in posts sharing misinformation about the Israel-Hamas war, with critics noting a lack of effective response.
- Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform led to significant changes, including a reduced moderation team, which has affected the platform’s capacity to manage toxic content.
- European Commissioner Thierry Breton wrote to Musk, highlighting misinformation, including old conflict images and game footage, and urged timely and objective removal of potentially illegal content.
- Analyst Emerson Brooking criticized Musk for exacerbating the spread of misinformation, particularly by endorsing unverified accounts and by modifying the platform’s verification system.
- X has made policy adjustments to allow users to choose whether to view sensitive content and has taken steps to remove certain accounts, including those affiliated with Hamas.