Netflix’s new series “Obliterated,” set to stream on November 30, 2023, is an action-comedy that delves into a humorous scenario where a team of special operators must complete a mission while dealing with the aftermath of a wild night out in Las Vegas. The show follows U.S. Navy SEAL Chad McKnight and his team, including CIA officer Ava Winters, as they scramble to neutralize a real nuclear threat after mistakenly celebrating a decoy’s disarmament.
Key Points:
1. Premise of “Obliterated”: The show juxtaposes the rigorous demands of elite military operations with the comical consequences of a heavy night of partying, set against the backdrop of Las Vegas.
2. Characters and Plot: Leading the team is U.S. Navy SEAL Chad McKnight, along with CIA officer Ava Winters and other elite military personnel. Their celebration turns sour when they discover the real nuclear threat they have to address while still under the influence.
3. Inspiration: The series humorously addresses the unspoken aspect of military life where individuals sometimes have to perform duties after a night of excess, although it takes this scenario to the extreme.
4. Creative Team: “Obliterated” comes from the creators of “Cobra Kai,” Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald, who also have popular titles like “Harold and Kumar” films and “Hot Tub Time Machine” to their credit.
5. Release Details: All episodes of “Obliterated” will be available for streaming on Netflix from November 30, 2023.