Iranian police special forces are preparing to confront fresh protests in 400 locations, despite warnings of potential revolution from political activists and observers.
The commander of the Iranian Police special units, General Hassan Karami, announced that his force is expanding its capabilities to be prepared for handling new protests. He stated that the special forces are getting ready to simultaneously confront unrest at 400 locations. Protests have been happening in Iran since September 2022, raging in over 100 cities for more than five months. Even though they subsided in February, protests in some regions, chanting from rooftops, and pockets of street protests continue. Karami called the ‘Woman, life, freedom’ protests “Super Sedition” and claimed that his forces have successfully defeated them. Despite Interior Minister Ahmadi Vahid denying that it was a tough year, many Iranian politicians and observers have warned that the government needs to take action to avoid future protests.