Peak Rescue, a leading organization in rescue training and crisis response, has announced the formation of a new specialized division, Peak Rescue Mountain Guides. This division will offer mountaineering training specifically to Military Special Operations Units. Led by industry experts, including Micah Rush and Joe Thompson, the team has extensive experience in various mountaineering disciplines and will provide a diverse range of programs. These include summer and winter training, mountain rescue, medical training, and tailored solutions to meet the requirements of military units.
Key Points:
- Formation of New Division: Peak Rescue has established a new division called Peak Rescue Mountain Guides, dedicated to comprehensive mountaineering training for Military Special Operations Units.
- Led by Experts: The division is spearheaded by a team of industry experts, including Micah Rush, Joe Thompson, Cody Carroll, and Alan Oram, all holding various impressive certifications and specializations in mountaineering.
- Comprehensive Training Programs: The training programs offered include Basic Summer and Winter Programs, mountain rescue, medical training, and deployable advisors, tailored to meet specific military requirements.
- Focus on Military Application: With a unique combination of mountain guides and current/former special operations staff, the division emphasizes training military units for complex scenarios in mountainous terrain, including navigation, casualty handling, and heavy weapons transport.
- Commitment to Excellence: With over a decade of experience in training rescue professionals, Peak Rescue continues its pursuit of excellence with this new venture, drawing on the expertise of IFMGA-certified instructors and specialists in mountain warfare.