The Green Berets, the United States Army Special Forces, played a significant role in the Vietnam War, utilizing unconventional tactics to combat the Viet Cong. Deployed in 1957, their initial mission was to train and advise the South Vietnamese military in counterinsurgency operations. As the war escalated, they became more involved in combat operations, disrupting Viet Cong operations through intelligence gathering, raids, and training local militias.
Their tactics included hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and the use of small teams known as A-teams, which worked closely with local Montagnard tribes to gather intelligence and conduct operations. Additionally, the Green Berets employed psychological warfare, such as spreading rumors, disinformation, and the controversial Phoenix Program, designed to identify, locate, and eliminate high-value targets within enemy organizations.
Despite allegations of human rights abuses, the Green Berets’ unconventional warfare tactics proved effective against the Viet Cong, leaving a lasting legacy in the Army’s Special Forces. Today, the Green Berets continue to carry out missions worldwide, adapting their tactics to modern warfare while maintaining their focus on unconventional strategies.