Even if we never receive an apology, forgiveness is necessary for our own peace of mind.
Forgiving someone who has hurt us, whether it is a small or big mistake, is essential for our own peace of mind. Waiting for an apology is not necessary, as forgiveness is for ourselves, not for the other person. When we hold a grudge, we punish ourselves, not them. Forgiveness liberates us from the pain and grudges we have been holding. We should try to understand the possible reasons behind the other person’s behavior and forgive them, even if they never apologize. People usually act in ways they believe are right and not to hurt others. Constantly thinking about their behavior only depletes our own energy and causes us pain. Let us shift our perspective and forgive, freeing ourselves from mental baggage and grudges.
Source: https://medium.com/@naytheblogger/this-is-why-you-should-forgive-them-6d389cbb3d6f