During the Battle of Tarawa in 1943, amidst the intense combat between the U.S. Marines and Japanese forces, an unusual participant stood out: Sgt. Jack “Siwash” Cornelius, a beer-loving Marine Corps duck. Adopted by Sgt. Francis “Pappy” Fagan, the duck participated actively in the battle, fighting and defeating a Japanese rooster. Although Sgt. Cornelius was considered for a Purple Heart due to her bravery, she was awarded a citation instead, and post-war, she resided in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo until her death in 1954.
Key Points:Â
- The Battle of Tarawa in 1943 was a fierce confrontation between 18,000 U.S. Marines and over 4,800 Japanese forces.
- Among the U.S. Marines was Sgt. Jack “Siwash” Cornelius, a unique combatant, being a duck adopted by Sgt. Francis “Pappy” Fagan.
- Sgt. Cornelius was known for mimicking marine training activities, drinking beer, and in Tarawa, she notably engaged in combat with a Japanese rooster.
- After showcasing incredible bravery in battle, Sgt. Cornelius was awarded a citation for her valor.
- Post-war, Sgt. Cornelius lived in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo until her passing in 1954.