In a series of dangerous encounters with their father, including attempted murder and risky boating adventures, two brothers in rural Mississippi face their fears and confront an alligator while fishing, highlighting the complex dynamics of their relationship.
In the summer of 1987, the narrator’s father engaged in dangerous activities to test if they would survive, including attempting to kill them with an alligator or gasoline. Growing up in rural Mississippi, the narrator and their brother would burn things and put gas on fires as their father believed it taught them about life. The father also endangered their lives by piloting a boat at high speeds and attempting to outrun a Jet Ski. Despite the danger, the narrator found it thrilling. One day, the narrator and their brother went fishing and encountered a large alligator in the water. The brother wanted to catch it using a pistol, but the narrator was frightened and pleaded with him to stop. The story reflects on the narrator’s relationship with their father and the dangerous situations they faced growing up.