Russian special forces that specialize in becoming spies and saboteurs and put accuracy and stealth over power and bravery. They are not Tier One special forces.
The Spetsnaz are Russia’s special forces, emphasizing physical fitness, determination, and aggression like other special forces around the world. However, they are not as dedicated to machismo as the VDV. Spetsnaz prioritize precision and silence over strength and courage. Despite the many books written about them, not much is known for sure about the Spetsnaz, and the mythology around them is often misleading. They are not “special forces” in the Western sense, but they are assigned a special role, and until recently, many Spetsnaz were conscripts. The main role of the Spetsnaz is as scouts and saboteurs, deployed for battlefield reconnaissance and behind-the-lines operations against enemy chains of command and lines of supply, and in particular, NATO tactical nuclear weapons. The Spetsnaz are not a force that could be considered “Tier One” special forces, but they are spearhead expeditionary light infantry, roughly analogous to the US 75th Ranger Regiment or the French Foreign Legion.