Significant flaws in Europe’s security system, such as fragmentation, an excessive reliance on imports, and a holdup in promised budget increases, have been made clear by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, underscoring the necessity for proactive measures to counteract escalating global threats.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has exposed significant deficiencies in Europe’s defense system, including the fragmentation of the defense industry, an over-reliance on imports, and a delay in promised defense budget increases. The European Union has historically lacked a common strategic defense vision, and national control of defense matters has further hindered collaboration. Additionally, the United States has discouraged the development of the European defense industry, fearing competition for its own defense industry. However, the war in Ukraine could serve as a catalyst for change, with the European Union needing to address these issues proactively to meet growing global threats. Programs such as Permanent Structured Cooperation are attempting to encourage collaboration between European countries.